Challenge: 1 Day Without Electricity

The challenge is simple: go one full day without using electricity.
Simple, right?
That's what I will attempt to find out. From the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep, I will attempt to not use any device that requires the use of electicity. That includes lights, computers, hot water, television and even my Optimus Prime nightlite.
Why am I doing this?
To see what type of impact a simple action can make. I plan to calculate how much electricity and carbon emissions are saved by one person not using electricity for one day. I will then do a follow up post here, where I will offer a break down of what devices I normally would use in a day, and show how much electricity and carbon was saved by not using those devices.
Am I saying that this is a practical method for energy conservation?
Absolutely not. Electricity and it's uses play a key role in a developed society. Today, the advancements in energy use are a necessity to the continuing success of our society through innovation and technology.

However, I do believe that this challenge will demonstrate how small daily activities and uses of electricity can add up in a big way. I hope to show how making small changes in daily routines can accumulate into having a significant impact on the environment as well as find alternatives to my daily routine that I may have previously seen as inconvenient. For example, using a book light instead of an overhead room light can add up to big energy and carbon reductions over a month.
Why am I doing this?
Couple reasons.
One, I hope to see the impact one day of my daily routine has on the environment. Most carbon footprint calculations use estimates for monthly or yearly usage. This challenge will show me (and readers) how smaller actions contribute as well. I believe awareness of one's impact is a great factor in behavior change for sustainability, and I hope this challenge will help.
Two, I hope others are inspired and decide to take on the challenge. Even if it's not a full day, maybe just going one hour without electricity. But, if others can open their eyes to actions that they could change with relative ease, then the small changes start to make a large impact.
And three, I hope to gain an appreciation for privileges that I may take for granted. Electricity has always been available to me. I am part of the generation who used to play The Oregon Trail as a second grader during class. I have had the privilege of having access to electricity all my life and I think I have started taking it for granted.
So let me know your thoughts or any suggestions on the challenge and check back for my post-challenge post. And in the meantime, I encourage you to join me and take on the challenge, tell your friends, and make an impact.