Tuesday 12 July 2011

Ten Tips on Creating a Successful Health and Wellness Plan

Are you ready to shed some pounds and get into shape? Did your New Year's resolution fizzle out before the end of January? Don't worry, success will be yours in no time. Here are some tips that will get you back on track.
Start Your Plan Because YOU Want To
Your success rate will multiply exponentially if it's a plan that YOU want to do. If you feel like you NEED to do it, or HAVE to do it, then chances are you're not going to do well. You really need to W-A-N-T to make the changes. You need to feel that it's the right time...and that your heart is in it.
Find a Food Plan That Works for You

Hate counting calories? Then find a plan that doesn't ask you to do that. Want a very structured plan? Then perhaps a plan like NutriSystem or Jenny Craig is best for you. They give you the food to eat which makes it really convenient. However...there's a cost to convenience. I REALLY hate counting calories so I'm on a low-carb diet that requires NO COUNTING. I simply eat the foods that are on the "accepted" list. For me, that works great.

Choose an Exercise Program that You'll Stick With
Do you feel uncomfortable working out in front of other people? Then skip the gym membership and opt for an in-home program. You don't need to spend lots of money on equipment, either. A set of dumbells and an exercise DVD may be the only tools you'll need. Walking is a super-great way to get your heart rate up. All you need is a comfortable pair of shoes and some pavement.
Realize That You're Going to Have Setbacks
Get it through your head: you're going to have days (maybe several days) that you 'fall off the wagon' and feel that you've failed. It will happen. And that's okay. Knowing that there will be bad days makes it easier to dust yourself off and get back on track.
Share Your Goals with Someone
Tell your husband, wife, significant other, best friend, etc., that you're on a mission to improve your health. Let them be a support group for you. But DON'T allow them to pull you down and cause you to quit. Choose your allies carefully. They should be people who will help cheer you on.
Give Yourself A Break!
When you feel like you're not making much progress, it might be time for a short break. Give yourself a day or two to reflect on your progress. Feel good about how far you've come. What worked? Capitalize on that. What hasn't worked? No need to repeat those actions.
Document Your Journey
One of the best things I've done on my current health and wellness plan is to blog about it. I chose the free and easy-to-use platform called Tumblr. Signing up only takes a few seconds. The Health and Fitness section is full of some of the most wonderful, supportive people I've ever met. They have been there for me in the good times and bad. I truly owe a large part of my success to the Tumblr community.
Don't Quit!
The only way you'll fail is if you quit. So don't! Taking small steps in the right direction will get you where you want to be. Don't expect dramatic changes overnight. Instead, opt for a 'slow and steady wins the race' attitude. Rapid weight loss is not a healthy approach. Working out to the point of injury is not smart. Baby steps, people. Baby steps.
Sometimes You Need a Nudge
Remember that support group I mentioned? Give them the okay to push you along when you need it. (Trust me, you'll need it from time to time.) Keep them updated on your progress. Be honest with them. Tell them when things aren't going so well. Let them help push you back on track.
Pay It Forward: Help Someone Else
Sometimes the best form of motivation comes when you help someone else along the way. Showing them that they can do it, reinforces the fact that YOU can do it too.

Can you start an improvment plan and make it stick? You bet you can. Chart your course, stay consistent and share your journey with others. Success will be yours!

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